Before we get started there are some things you’ll have to carefully think about. You want to be a popular cam girl among members of any large cam site? Then accept that this profession is a lot different than almost everything you’ll ever try. Why? Because everything you ever learned about business in not applicable on web cam chats. Assuming that’s why you want to do it. If you simply like it then relax and go with the flow. In both cases this is the first thing you’ll have to do because your success depends on you making an effort to attract more customers and make them wanting to return to you every time they visit favorite cam girl site with an urge to search for your screen name.
And you can be awesome at it if you simply open yourself to a certain level for other people and their desires, after all it’s about them when the camera is on.
Don’t be shy and afraid to get a little dirty, filthy and naughty. They have their reasons for being there and yours is to make them forget their worries and give them something to make them go nuts when they see you and think about you.
Make yourself stand out from the other girls, create your own style and your own cam personality you’ll be willing to modify a little bit depending on the visitor. There will be many and some of them will like you and some will not as you probably experienced until now, but don’t worry and try to keep your focus on the ones liking you and be excited and thrilled for the new ones as they are potential to making your group even bigger. And remember to show your excitement.
The most important thing is to create something flashy and eye catching. This includes your work area, your clothes, makeup and hairstyles. And definitely your body positions and gestures. No one likes boring chick sitting still on her sofa and yawning or eating something greasy while having cam sessions. But don’t exaggerate either, like trying to be naked and covered in glitter on your first time. Find something you’re comfortable with and don’t be afraid to get out of your comfort zone a little bit, but try to do it gradually so the random dudes visiting your live webcam chat room can see you relaxing in their company. Keep the conversation focused on them and try not to argue and scare them away. Enjoy!